Overstay fees

What is an overstay fee?

Drivers using public chargers must share these spaces with other electric vehicle (EV) users. However, a growing number of complaints remain regarding chargers being occupied well past the needed charge time, lasting several hours and often several days. This comes to the detriment of other EV drivers displaced or forced to charge in less opportune moments.

This overstay fee ensures all EV drivers have fair and timely access to charging stations, whether AC or HPC. With the rapid growth of the EV market and increasing demand for charging infrastructure, chargers must be used efficiently. By implementing this overstay fee, Allego aims to enhance the fair availability of charging capacity and promote efficient use of charging infrastructure.

Overstay Fee for European HPC Chargers

Allego charges an overstay fee for all High-Power Chargers (HPC) of our European stations network. This program aims to reduce waiting times for all EV vehicles and promote the effective use of our HPC chargers.

Details of Overstay Fee 

  • The overstay fee will start 45 minutes after the session begins.
  • The overstay fee tariff is € 0,25 / minute per minute. View the table below for the specific rates for each country.

To illustrate, charging from 10% to 80% state of charge (SOC) on a 70 kWh battery typically requires about 45 minutes, assuming an average charging speed of 65 kW. This duration is a reasonable benchmark based on current EV vehicle capabilities.

The overstay fee will apply to all Allego-owned HPC chargers across Europe, including new markets such as Spain, Switzerland, and Lithuania.

Please contact our customer support team if you have questions or need further clarification. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.


Allego Operator Connection tariff incl VAT per minute after 45 minutes of charging
Austria€ 0,248
Belgium€ 0,250
DenmarkDKK 1,925
Estonia€ 0,253
Finland€ 0,257
France€ 0,248
Germany€ 0,246
Italy€ 0,253
Netherlands€ 0,250
NorwayNOK 1,738
PolandPLN 1,095
Sweden2,9375 kr



Overstay fee for AC chargers in the Netherlands

Allego charges an overstay fee for AC chargers on its public charging network in the Netherlands. Public chargers are being used more frequently, partly due to the increase in new EV vehicles.  We notice that our current charging points are increasingly being unnecessarily occupied. Our goal is to keep the charging stations available for as many EV drivers as possible.

Our data shows that approximately 40% of the time a car is connected to our charging stations, it is actually being used to charge. Therefore, we are introducing the overstay fee to limit unnecessary occupation of the chargers and to keep them available for others who need to charge.

On average, vehicles actively charge for 3.5 hours. However, they remain connected to the charging station for an additional 5.5 hours without charging. This means that 60% of the time, a car is not actively charging.

We understand that this may not apply to everyone or to all locations, as some charging sessions may take longer. However, 80% of charging sessions are completed well within 5 hours. That’s why we have decided to apply the overstay fee only after 5 hours, based on the average charging time plus the time needed to move the vehicle. This means you will be charged extra for the time your car is connected to the charging station, whether or not it is still charging.

Given the number of charging stations and users, we aim to keep our network available to as many customers as possible. That is why we have implemented this measure, encouraging drivers to move their vehicles once charging is complete. Of course, we will take all feedback and questions into account in our future decisions regarding the application of such fees.

Details of the overstay fee:

  • The fee for staying too long starts 5 hours after the session begins and can be applied for up to 16 hours.
  • The overstay fee is only applied between 07:00 and 23:00.
  • The rate for exceeding the allowed duration is € 0.05 per minute (€ 3.00 per hour).
  • The overstay fee does not apply to Allego stations from certain public tenders in the Netherlands, such as in Groningen, Drenthe, Overijssel, and Gelderland.

For more information, check this link: Find us – Allego or the Smoov app to see if this policy applies to a specific charging station. Contact our customer service if you have any questions or need more information.

Note: The rate you pay for charging your electric vehicle (EV) through a Mobility Service Provider (MSP) may differ from Allego’s standard rates. This is because MSPs can set their own pricing structures. For the most up-to-date rates and any additional costs, please contact your MSP directly.